About Me

I love the abstraction of creating art. I also love the logic needed to solve a meaty calculus problem. But I never knew how marry the two. Then, in 2016, I found the perfect blend in software development. I decided to attend UNC's Coding Bootcamp while working full-time as a pharmacy technician.

After months on sleepless nights coding, going to school, and working, I landed my first job as a front end developer. Want to see what I've built? Check it out!

At MedThink we use Pug, Sass, Javascript and Foundation to handle the development needs of a number of Pharma companies. My job is to code all campaign emails company-wide. I also maintain legacy code and update existing projects as well as spearheading a couple myself.

When I'm not working, you can find me at meetups around town or painting at home. In 2018, I was able to travel to my parents' home country and my childhood home, Ghana and I plan on travelling more in the future. I also volunteer for various coding related events with a special interest in those that expose coding to minorities and women.