My Work

Cortisol Matters thumbnail

Online resource a part of a rebranding campaign.

Pug.js, Sass, JavaScript, Foundation, Node.js

Horizant thumbnail

A one stop for both physicians and their patients to learn about Horizant. Dynamically shows different content depending on where the user has been on the site.

Pug.js, Sass, JavaScript, Foundation, Node.js, Parsley.js, In-house made API

belbuca thumbnail

A website update to Azure

Pug.js, Sass, JavaScript, Foundation, Node.js, Parsley.js, In-house made API

RLS thumbnail

My first company project!

Pug.js, Sass, JavaScript, Foundation, Node.js

Early/Experimental Work

Along with this portfolio site, here are some code you can checkout out on github.

giphy project thumbnail

Giphy Search Engine

Find GIFs for your favorite shows

what's for dinner project thumbnail

What's for Dinner

Find a dinner recipe and a movie to watch all in one place!

habibi giphy project thumbnail


What to find a friend? It's all here!

burger giphy project thumbnail

Burger App

Create and eat burgers!